Woah! I hain't updated this "blog" in over a year??? Thass weak, mang, weak. One entry and then --pthbt-- no thing. Weak.
So, the other night I was watching the allegedly leftist comedic news program known as "The Daily Show" and Mr. Jon Stewart made a joke that pissed me off. Too bad I can't remember the context, it would make for a way better story. A marginally better story, at least. Well anyway, Stewart is pretending to be some politician or other yelling at President-Elect Obama & he goes, "I'll make you the 1st FEMALE president!" Not a new joke, not a clever joke, just a tired old insidious bit of sexism I find particularly repugnant. How many times and in how many ways do I have to hear people pretend that the violent removal of a man's peener & balls turns him into a woman? The whole basic pretense that "the difference between a man & a woman is that a man has a penis & a woman doesn't" makes me want to puke. Ignorant, phallocentric rat-bastards.
Ever since I was a little kid in elementary school, I remember having 2 very contradictory notions about female genitalia pounded into my head. a)Girls don't have a penis or balls, only boys do, end of story, nothing more to say. b)Girls have genitals but they're not okay to talk about. Maybe you can mention a baby passing through a vagina during birth, but that's all. No talk of labia, no mention of the world "vulva," certainly no illustrations to clue a body in. You know I had no idea what a vulva actually looked like til I got my hands on a Penthouse in Jr. High?
OK OK OK. So if you chop off a dude's donger, does he suddenly, magically grow a womb, breasts & a vulva? No no no no. Not! So what makes "him" a "her" then, Quiz Kid? Only your tiny, useless mind, you sexist piece-o-turd.!!! Sheesh. Vulva power, chump. Eat a booger, Jon Stewart.
Some other bits I forgot to post…
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